Legal Disclaimer

Improving Core Function©

The directors, owners, staff and employees of the program Improving Core Function© do not intend to provide any medical, professional or para – medical  professional advice of any kind whatsoever to any of the participants in the program or to users or browsers of their website. Their only aim is to provide educational or other advice as to the improvement of core functions as related in the program or to the website.  The participation in the program or the following of advice stemming out of the website does not replace the need for professional medical advice where necessary, by certified professional medical physicians. It is also hereby stated and declared that the information on the website as well as participation in the program are not intended to transgress any of the libel laws as prevailing in Israel. We hereby repeat that our program does not replace in anyway whatsoever, the need to consult a certified physician. It is further maintained that Improving Core Function©, its owners, directors and employees make no warranty or claim whatsoever regarding to the advice given in connection with their website or any advice given by them. It is further stated that no guarantees are given by any of them regarding the success of the program or the goals reached in accordance with the program nor can any of the directors, owners, staff and employees of the program be held responsible for the outcome or failure to make any changes claimed or reached. We are not responsible for any injury whatsoever caused to any individual by or as a result of the use and participation in the program or any part thereof.

In accordance with the law, no refunds will be given as this is a pre-recorded course and immediate access is granted on purchasing the program.

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